
So you want to be an International Business major.

Well.... after 5 years of college and a year in Corporate America, I must say that I have some pretty funny and interesting stories to share about my experiences. I left the University of Rhode Island with three majors and a lot of great memories involving strip poker, jell-o shots, leopard carpeted bars, and politics. There are also a few academic-based memories, some from my study abroad experience in France, and the most recent crazy landlady from Maywood. When the inevitable "So, what's your major?" line comes up it's always the same thing... "Well, actually I have 3 majors." "Three majors! What are you? Masochistic?" (Actually it wasn't so bad until I had three Capstone, or hardest classes ever, at the same time) Then I have to go on and explain that I majored in Marketing (the original choice), French (roped into it by a very persuasive French-born professor), and International Business (what was I thinking?!?). Sometimes I'd even get the "Ahhh so you're a French major... Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?” Hey listen, just because I'm a French major doesn't mean I'm easy!

Now I find myself at Tech Company X (I believe in protecting the identity of my victims) doing the -8:30 until whenever I can tear myself away thing - five days a week. I work on the Sales Training team (we even had a two day retreat once to come up with our own logo) developing eLearning and doing everything else it takes to provide global sales training to our sales force. That’s the easy way out of explaining what I do…


  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    It could be worse... you could work for my company....

    oh wait... that's right... you do.

  2. It could be worse B... you could work on the Sales Floor...

    oh wait. you do. :)

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Hi Melissa, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on Residual Business and see what came up. this post is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on Residual Business. Getting late, have a good evening.

  4. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Hi Melissa, I am cruising the blogs looking for any information on Residual Business and landed here. Although this post is interesting and got my attention, I will add this knowledge to my storehouse of information. I never know where Residual Business will take me. Have a great day!

  5. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Hi Melissa, I am cruising the blogs looking for any information on Start a Business and landed here. Although this post is interesting and got my attention, I will add this knowledge to my storehouse of information. I never know where Start a Business will take me. Have a great day!

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Hi Melissa, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on Start a Business and see what came up. this post is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on Start a Business. Getting late, have a good evening.

  7. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Hi Melissa, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on International Business and see what came up. this post is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on International Business. Getting late, have a good evening.


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