Let the Holidays Begin

Ok so I know I've been a horrible horrible blogger letting the entries slide for the past week but I've been in the land of no internet connections since Wednesday so cut me some slack. It's hard to go from the Southernmost point in the US all the way up to New Hampshire and then back down to Rhode Island again all in a week and a half!

Here's the update:
  • Spent Thanksgiving-Sunday in North Conway, NH and finally got to hit the slopes! We went to Sunday River on Friday and then Attitash on Sunday. The snow was pretty good, however the crowds were too much for the few trails that were actually open.
  • Shopping in the NC was out of control- that didn't last too long. I was a little disappointed that I had to miss Black Friday down in Rhode Island though : ( I was looking forward to the sales at all of those highly commercialized stores like Target's 1 am sale or something ridiculous like that.

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