forecast for snow tonight in Rhode Island... I guess that's good, this snowman could use a little help! : )
Actually this was built by my sister a few weeks ago at our ski house in New Hampshire. By now there's a lot more snow up there. My whole philosophy on snowfall in RI has always been that they can get as much snow as they want up in New Hampshire where I can actually ski, but I'm all set with snow here. Last year at the Maywood Mansion where I used to live with my two darling roommates snow (and lots of it) only lead to cabin fever and a stove fire(Blizzard of '05), an expensive heating bill (yay for living in a beach house during the winter), and yelling and screaming matches (about shoveling of course). But on the bright side we did make snow angels and somehow managed to make it to the Spring without killing each other : )
Bring on Winter of '06! And Jen... it's your turn to shovel.
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