jem4415: hahah Ken is so gay
SSlice19: I read an article in the waiting room today that pointed out he carries a large MAN PURSE embazzelened with a phallic looking symbol
SSlice19: it's true Ken is gay
jem4415: it's an open relationship that he has with Barbie
SSlice19: or a front
SSlice19: aparently she had a "suitor" during their break up for the past 2 years
SSlice19: I never even knew they broke up
SSlice19: it was her idea...I can see why
SSlice19: but to dump Ken for a doll named that a step in the right direction?
[side convo]
jem4415: and back to Barbie
SSlice19: oh yes on the Barbie note: Barbie has lately been portrayed as highly successful professional and actually left Ken for Blain.
SSlice19: I just don't know
SSlice19: I keep telling myself not to judge
SSlice19: haah
SSlice19: I really must go to bed now though
SSlice19: good night M
jem4415: goodnight J
Funny you should post this now. I was at the train station yesterday and there was a billboard on the platform advertising that Barbie and Ken are back together and you can buy the happy couple at Toys R Us!