This weekend we decided that it was time to put some order to the chaos that was our basement. I think the idea probably came up after another snow discussion (we have about 4 ft on the ground at our house in MA right now!), but this time, the conversation focused on what would happen when all that snow melts. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the water outside does not end up in our basement, but after the terrible flooding the RI/MA experienced last spring, we decided not to take any chances and to build some basement storage that would raise our belongings off the floor.
Matt found a great how-to page
here. And this was the plan that we followed for the most part.
Et Voila! |
Finished Product! |
As you can see, the shelves aren't fancy, but they will definitely help us organize and keep everything off of the basement floor!
my parents have always built shelving like this in their homes. we put everything into totes and then the totes onto the shelves... wonderful idea! i'm so impressed with matt's handiness!
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