Babel Fish... hmm

So Babel Fish, a translating tool that was an essential part of my French degree is now owned by Yahoo... but can still be found at its original location on Altavista... interesting.

*And a word of caution to all you foreign language students out there- DO NOT rely on Babel Fish to write your papers -unless you know the language well enough to be able to tell when the translation comes back with something completely asinine. (Which it definitely will and your professor will know) Another tool that was very useful when I was writing my 20 page French term papers was the Spelling and Grammar checker in Microsoft Word. This was great for making sure accents were correct and that genders were matching... all of that fun stuff that comes naturally to the French.

Well I know that the semester is coming to an end now and those French papers and projects are approaching deadlines... if you need any help with them give me a shout! Honestly I miss writing them!! Sick- I know!

1 comment

  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Oh why, oh why did I start a Master's in French? To enjoy the torture of 20 page french papers.
    3 weeks until the end of the semester and sooo many papers to write.
    You might be getting an email! :)


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